Friday, October 16, 2009

Attention drifts...(not having stayed in the lecture even for 5 mins)..Mind goes back and forth...back and forth...And all directions (lol)

This is what happens to me in Research methods lecture. The Professor is quite good. He is funny,friendly,and would've been pretty great in any other topic.He's totally wasted on this though.It is such a horrible,super-dry topic.

We had to hand in some research report today (which is the only reason I went there,since he had made clear in the first lecture itself that attendance was strictly voluntary ),on some journal we'd supposedly read during the week. I finished it yesterday. I really can't work without a deadline to my head,I'm so bloody lazy.

This weekend is dedicated to Diwali. I guess we are going to some temple someplace,like 3 hours or so journey from here. I might wear a saree (which is highly unlikely,but I might give in to peer pressure. Honestly I can't travel in that,definitely not in this cold). Fireworks at night and all that. Should be fun,with such a lot of people.

My weekend starts tonight. Thursday is my favorite day of the week now,lol.

I have 1 more hour of this lecture to endure...sigh....deep breathing...snore... :D

P.S: I wrote this in the lecture and am publishing it at 330 am lol..

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