Sunday, February 15, 2009

Oh for God' s sake. For two days, I haven't been able to get anything halfway sensible on TV or newspaper. Its the regular "nautangi" about whether Valentine's day is part of our culture or not,debates and what not. Till now it was the 'shiv sainiks' causing all the trouble, this year 'ram sainiks' have joined the party.(I'm quite sure both Shiv and Ram will be burning with shame at their antics). I honestly feel like telling these ppl "Grow up, for fuck's sake".

I mean, who cares a pin about whether these things are part of our culture or not?? Its just a DAY. If you r saying it is western influence, then so are Mother's day, Friendship day... They don't seem to be having a problem with those!!!!

Then there is this airhead Muthalik guy who wants a law to be passed preventing females from drinking!! I'm like, dude, what the hell's ur problem?? If people wanna drink it is their choice, right??We are a democratic country and all that. Why should you butt in? I read an article today (I guess in the times) about Shiv getting Parvati drunk or something. So the point is, you can't say that the practice of females drinking is not part of our culture. Cumon ya, if Goddeses can drink, then why can't today's "liberated" women??

And ofcourse, the talk of the fortnight,the 'pink chaddi' campaign. It is not the most elegant idea people have come up with so far, but it is hilarious and ridiculous in a certain way(and probably effective.But we'll have to wait till next year to be sure of the results). But it is a brave attempt. Kudos to the consortium of pub-going,loose and forward women:-)...

Just an issue I think I should mention: These Sri Ram Sene ppl are dubbing the clubbing and boozing women immoral,promiscuous and all such things. What exactly do they think their culture is, though?? The Ram sainiks stormed a pub in M'lore and 40 of them, tried to molest 5 defenseless girls and tried to take off their clothes. What does that say about their culture??
And again, I would have no issue abiding with their so called rule set, if all these Ram sainiks and Shiv sainiks and all these ppl who pose as moral police,have never whistled at a girl in street,never made suggestive gestures at them ,never tried to touch them in crowded(or empty for that matter) buses or trains,never as much as winked at them.Only in that case do they have the authority to criticise anybody else's culture. I doubt if there would be even one single person like that for most of them are good for nothing ppl doing all this coz they don't have anything better to do. Freedom of expression is an Indian's fundamental right,and as far as I'm aware, expressing love is not a crime as of now. As far as obscenity is concerned(and purr-lease,holding hands is not obscene),there are sections in the constitution(sec 153 if I'm correct) dealing with them and the police force to deal with them.I really don't think there is a need or a void for moral police in our society.The bottomline is, culture is just a facade, what these ppl are trying to impose is hooliganisam,brute power. On that note... au revoir!!

P.S: Joke of the fortnight was when in a times now debate Sadhvi Uma Bharti said that "Pramod(as she called the detestable Muthalik)" wants to prevent women from drinking coz it is supposed to be bad for their health and that they should do it against men as well. My dear Umaji, are u actually so innocent to think that those who smoke and drink don't know that these affect their health adversely??Wow!!

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