I didn't sleep a wink yesterday night. So I decided to keep the sleepless marathon on for a whole day so that I can get back to the normal human schedule of day and night. Utilizing all the extra time at hand, I decided to go for a long walk. It was quite nice. It isn't often that I see this part of the day. Oh yes, I'm the kind that can outsleep Rip Van Vinkle ;).
Well, I got to see traffic free (well, atleast for the most part) London streets, janitors clearing the mess on the street, joggers on the canal side (well, they are there at all times, a constant on the London scenery)...I even found a new path to walk by which sort of comes in a full circle if I set out from my Halls of Residence.
I am happy in a weird kind of way today. I've been having problems on the relationship front. I think we have sort of broken up now. But then, I did something totally uncharacteristic of myself. I decided to grow up. I have been thinking, and thinking, and thinking and all of a sudden my eyes opened to the fact that people don't always have to bend over backwards to accomodate my every wish,fulfill my every need. That is what I'm used to, that is the way it has been till now. My family, cousins,friends, ex-boyfriends (well, they have , for most part been quite scared of me, God knows why)...I guess the collective attention of all these people has more or less spoilt me. I'm no princess, so I shouldn't expect to be treated as such. It just is not fair...
So I have made a conscious decision to work on myself in general and the relationship in particular. I am being an adult here ( Well, am still not forgetting it was his fault we fought in the first place) and let the differences rest. I don't care if it doesn't work, but I wouldn't have the regret that I didn't try. I simply wouldn't have failed relationship number 3 without even trying to make it work. :) So...I'm feeling good...Whether it works or not...Well...
I gather from your post that u recovered very well...
Something rarely seen..
And no.3...hey are we going to see more :P
hey..... i believe recovery s all about how wel u project it ;) n these r all in d order evrythin pops in2 my head, wich s quite random..so... ;)
lol i agree ;) haha i hav no idea...lets c hw things happen...
take care ;)
well it seems good that you are looking into yourself and figuring out your weaknesses. that'll help. Good luck :-)
Such great ideas pop into ur head randomly... u will row up into one of the greatest thinkers of our times!!
@raaji thank uuuu :)
@stefy lol lol rofl :)
I am kinda glad to know that I am not the only who has sleeping problems at this age
lol lol ;)
lol lol ;)
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